QuestionsCategory: Ask John BrockWhere can I get copies of the Tutorial Examples from the book?
Brian DuPuis asked 6 years ago

Working my way through your book, is it possible to can get SketchUP examples of the exercises from the book posted on your website? The size (scale) of the examples in the book are impossible to read all the measurements even when using a magnifying glass.  If I could at least download the tutorial examples I could see the measurements.
I’m at Chapter 10, page 78 Basement. Initially, the description of the tutorial was very confusing. It’s nothing like the Crawl Space Method 1 you described from page 62 or the Basement example from page 66, section 18 that said, “Save As since the next foundation type (Basement) will use the exact same plan”.  Instead the Basement section used the basement model from chapter 9. I’m finding it very difficult to follow along with the tutorial because I can’t see or read most of the dimensions or details referenced due to the scale of the drawing found in the book.   
If I could at least download examples of the tutorial from a website, I might be able to understand what the book is attempting to describe. Also, I think some continuity in the format used in the tutorials would have made it a lot easier to follow along.  
In the meantime, I’m going to move on to “Wall Framing” section.

1 Answers
John Brock answered 6 years ago

Hi Brian – sorry for any confusion.  Not easy trying to capture step by step imagery from SU and get the quality for print.  I am glad to help you any way I can.  I know I could send you a link the images used if you like (they are named as they are in the book).  Is there a specific exercise you would like to see?  If I do not already have a video tutorial, I may be able to create one for you.  Feel free to email me directly to if you’d like versus this Q&A.

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